© Betsy Kimak. All Rights Reserved.
"Warning to Tourists: Do Not Laugh at the Natives," Idaho Falls, Idaho.
» This sign was erected by Farris Lind, the original owner of Stinker's gas station. See their other signs at www.stinker.com. Rumor has it that this sign has a black and white twin in Pocatello.
"First City in the World to Be Lit by Atomic Power," City of Arco Recreation Hall, Arco, Idaho.
» Watch a movie of this neon sign (QuickTime version, 6MB | Ogg version, CC-BY-SA-3.0)
"Million Dollar Cowboy Bar," Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
"Jackson Hole, WY," Town Square Antler Arch, Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
"He Kanakamaoliau Konohiki Land Comission (sic) Award Recognize Pea Iki," Kaua'i, Hawai'i.
"All Propertys (sic) Belongs (sic) to the Reinstated Sovereignty of the Hawaiian Nation," Kaua'i, Hawai'i.
"Do Not Feed Nene," Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park, "Big Island", Hawai'i.
"Warning: Strong Current; No Swimming; Dangerous Shorebreak," North Shore, Oah'u, Hawai'i.
"Caution Falling Coconuts," Salt Pond Park, Kaua'i, Hawai'i.
Like photos of signs? Check out the Signs of Life community photography project.